Monday, August 24, 2009

Wonder Years :)

Have you ever wondered what the word "crush" actually means? What does it really mean when we say "I have a crush on somebody" ?
My first ever crush happened to me at the beginning of my teenage. I used to go to Hindi classes then. Of course he was there too. Lanky and short haired, he used to tease me to death all the time for being chubby.
Of course, I was chubby even then. Him and two of his friends would chase me and my friend from the class to my place teasing us all the way. I would be furious! Boiling with rage !! Then one day, suddenly he dint turn up. He dint show up for one whole week. His absence was nagging me all week. Finally when he showed up, I was strangely happy! It was the first time ever in my life that I felt butterflies in my stomach. At the end of the year, the class got over and we moved our own separate paths. I heard he scored really well in tenth and PU boards and got into a good college. It made me feel good.
My next crush was also when I was in school. I studied in a convent which had a beautiful big church on the campus. I loved it and have loved churches ever since. He owned a shop in front of the campus that sold girlie accessories like Bindis and ear rings. Embellished by his presence, the ambience seemed like Nirvana to me. Of course, he never took any notice of me. I was the kid with two pigtails. Since I had really long hair back then, I had the loopy ones. Now that I think about it I feel it must have adorable but back in those days I hated the blue skirt, white blouse, the backpack and the lunch bag I carried. He on the other hand was tall, had silky hair and rode a scooty which was a golden stallion to me. He used to flirt with the college going girls. I used to be short on money then. My parents fulfilled all my needs but gave me and my bro very limited cash lest we cultivate bad habits. I used to save some of it and go to his shop to buy candy one day and a bindi another.
By the end of that year, I stepped out of school and moved into college in a campus farther away. Then one day I saw him. He looked ridiculous !! Too big for his scooty !! I couldn’t understand what I had seen in him.
I had moved out of that phase and in my current surroundings the feelings from just a few days back did not make any sense to me !
I read somewhere that Love is like a song; it’s beautiful while it lasts. I haven’t been able to define Love to myself so far. I don’t know what these crushes meant either. But when I did have them, I enjoyed them thoroughly. They added spice to the curry of my life in my growing up years. If there is someone out there, who has never had a crush on anyone, they are missing some real fun feelings.


  1. Hey Chaitra very nice write up....
    Took me back to the days when I had a big big crush On sonu and the way I used to fight with all odds against Sonu :)
    Well I mean Sonu NIgam :)

  2. Very nice write up... And i don't think anyone in this world can escape "Crush" :P
